This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.4). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.contrib.testing.mocks

"""Useful mocks for unit testing."""
import numbers
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence  # noqa
from unittest.mock import Mock

from celery import Celery  # noqa
from celery.canvas import Signature  # noqa

[docs] def TaskMessage( name, # type: str id=None, # type: str args=(), # type: Sequence kwargs=None, # type: Mapping callbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] errbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] chain=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] shadow=None, # type: str utc=None, # type: bool **options # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Any """Create task message in protocol 2 format.""" kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs from kombu.serialization import dumps from celery import uuid id = id or uuid() message = Mock(name=f'TaskMessage-{id}') message.headers = { 'id': id, 'task': name, 'shadow': shadow, } embed = {'callbacks': callbacks, 'errbacks': errbacks, 'chain': chain} message.headers.update(options) message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps( (args, kwargs, embed), serializer='json', ) message.payload = (args, kwargs, embed) return message
[docs] def TaskMessage1( name, # type: str id=None, # type: str args=(), # type: Sequence kwargs=None, # type: Mapping callbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] errbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] chain=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] **options # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Any """Create task message in protocol 1 format.""" kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs from kombu.serialization import dumps from celery import uuid id = id or uuid() message = Mock(name=f'TaskMessage-{id}') message.headers = {} message.payload = { 'task': name, 'id': id, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'callbacks': callbacks, 'errbacks': errbacks, } message.payload.update(options) message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps( message.payload, ) return message
[docs] def task_message_from_sig(app, sig, utc=True, TaskMessage=TaskMessage): # type: (Celery, Signature, bool, Any) -> Any """Create task message from :class:`celery.Signature`. Example: >>> m = task_message_from_sig(app, add.s(2, 2)) >>> amqp_client.basic_publish(m, exchange='ex', routing_key='rkey') """ sig.freeze() callbacks = sig.options.pop('link', None) errbacks = sig.options.pop('link_error', None) countdown = sig.options.pop('countdown', None) if countdown: eta = + timedelta(seconds=countdown) else: eta = sig.options.pop('eta', None) if eta and isinstance(eta, datetime): eta = eta.isoformat() expires = sig.options.pop('expires', None) if expires and isinstance(expires, numbers.Real): expires = + timedelta(seconds=expires) if expires and isinstance(expires, datetime): expires = expires.isoformat() return TaskMessage( sig.task,, args=sig.args, kwargs=sig.kwargs, callbacks=[dict(s) for s in callbacks] if callbacks else None, errbacks=[dict(s) for s in errbacks] if errbacks else None, eta=eta, expires=expires, utc=utc, **sig.options )
class _ContextMock(Mock): """Dummy class implementing __enter__ and __exit__. The :keyword:`with` statement requires these to be implemented in the class, not just the instance. """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): pass
[docs] def ContextMock(*args, **kwargs): """Mock that mocks :keyword:`with` statement contexts.""" obj = _ContextMock(*args, **kwargs) obj.attach_mock(_ContextMock(), '__enter__') obj.attach_mock(_ContextMock(), '__exit__') obj.__enter__.return_value = obj # if __exit__ return a value the exception is ignored, # so it must return None here. obj.__exit__.return_value = None return obj